Alicia's Angels
This group is currently paused for the time being. This page will be updated as soon as the group begins meeting again.
186 Woburn Street
Reading, MA 01867
United States
This directory lists a variety of grief support groups in Massachusetts. It includes groups exclusively for people bereaved by a death from substance use, which are indicated by a purple heart icon. Most of the groups are facilitated by peer helpers (bereaved people who help others).
You may filter your search below for groups that are meeting in person or virtually.
Tell us about a support group for bereaved people, and we will consider it for the directory. Make Recommendation
This group is currently paused for the time being. This page will be updated as soon as the group begins meeting again.
186 Woburn Street
Reading, MA 01867
United States
Somos un grupo de apoyo para familias de hijos, hijas, hermanos, hermanas, nietos o nietas fallecidos, no importa la edad, las circunstancias ni el tiempo transcurrido. Nos reunimos el segundo domingo del mes de forma presencial, por Zoom y por WhatsApp. El horario de las virtuales y por WhatsApp es de 2:00 PM a 4:00 PM. Las presenciales, aunque éste no es el caso, nos reunimos de 1:30 PM a 4:30 PM. Ambas EST aunque luego cambia y será una hora después de EST. Tenemos familias latinas que se comunican con nosotros de distintos países porque el idioma, la cultura y la comprensión nos une. Las familias que cualifiquen deben contactar a Nivia e informar su número de celular, e-mail, y el nombre del hijo/hija/hermano/hermana/nieto o nieta fallecido.
Virtual, MA 02472
United States
Child loss 3 is for parents who have lost child a child to suicide. Contact Contact Liz McKenna, 781-585-4221 ext 7
HOPE Floats
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
Our Support Services are free of charge ~ Registration is required for all support groups - No Walk-Ins Please
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
Please contact the facilitator prior to your first meeting. Meets at Corpus Christi Parish Hall
324 Quaker Meeting House Rd.
East Sandwich, MA 02537
United States
This group is open to anyone experiencing the loss of a spouse or partner. This group is led by a peer-facilitator, Gary Sturgis. Thursdays, 6:45- 8:15 pm. Next session: March 2023, dates TBA.
Contact Olivia, 781-585-4221 ext. 9, Grace, 781-585-4221 ext 8 to register, Liz Mckenna 781-585-4221 ext 7
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
Parent Loss for Adults Group; This group is for adults who have lost a parent or primary caregiver. This group is led by our Program Manager, Heather Gray.
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
This support group is geared towards young adults (ages 18-40) who have lost a sibling at any age or time.This group led by trained Hope Floats peer volunteer facilitators. Registration is required. Contact Denise Brack, 781-585-4221 ext. 3.
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
This group is open to any parent coping with the death of a child of any age. This is a peer-led group; the facilitators are also parents who have lost a child and are trained Hope Floats peer volunteer facilitators. Registration is required. Contact Liz McKenna, 781-585-4221 ext 7
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
This new monthly offering is for Dads who have lost a child for any reason. A casual get together that occasionally includes sitting around the fire. This group led by trained Hope Floats peer volunteer facilitators. Registration is required. Contact Denise Brack, 781-585-4221 ext. 3.
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
It’s not unusual for grievers to feel disconnected from the world around them, but for LGBTQ grief and loss, a lack of disconnect can result in increased seclusion and isolation.While the issues faced in grief can be different for everyone, what every griever needs is the feeling of validation, acceptance and support. This group is designed to focus not only on the importance of support, but of finding the RIGHT support. Connecting with others who understand who we are and where we’ve been can help heal the pain of loss. The group is open to any lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender individuals who have experienced the loss of a partner/spouse. Contact Liz McKenna 781-585-4221 Ext 7 to register.
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
This peer-led group is for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide. Registration is required. Contact Liz McKenna, 781-585-4221 ext. 7.
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
This group led by trained Hope Floats peer volunteer facilitators. Registration is required. Contact Liz McKenna, 781-585-4221 ext. 7.
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
Parent Loss for Adults Group; This group is for adults who have lost a parent or primary caregiver. This group is led by our Program Manager, Heather Gray.
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
This group is open to anyone experiencing the loss of a spouse or partner. This group is led by a peer-facilitator, Gary Sturgis. Thursdays, 6:45- 8:15 pm. Next session: March 2023, dates TBA.
Contact Olivia, 781-585-4221 ext. 9, Grace, 781-585-4221 ext 8 to register, Liz Mckenna 781-585-4221 ext 7
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
This group is open to any parent coping with the death of a child at any stage of pregnancy or the death of an infant. This is a peer-led group; the facilitators are also parents who have lost a child. This group led by trained Hope Floats peer volunteer facilitators. Contact Denise Brack, 781-585-4221 ext. 3. Zoom meeting- registration is required.
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
This group is for adults that have experienced any type of loss and meets every 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM.
1085 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
United States
Journey To Hope is a parent-only grief group, supporting parents who have had a child of any age die due to any cause related to substance use. It was started by two moms in the Blackstone Valley area who met at a vigil held by the NOWA Peer Recovery Support Center in memory of those who lost the battle against SUD. Our goal is to offer one another peer support and understanding without judgment or bias. For our virtual meeting, you can find the link on the NOWA app,
9 Spring St.
Whitinsville, MA 01588
United States
This group is specifically for people who may have been affiliated with Learn to Cope (not exclusive to) and who have lost a loved one to drug-alcohol use.
Boston, MA 02472
United States
We would love to hold your grieving hearts for a bit…to help offer you hope where there is despair. Losing your child is hard. It’s hard work to watch the world continue to turn while you feel that yours has been shattered. It’s hard to watch the years go by and feel like your child has been forgotten. Or that your grief has been forgotten. Please join others who understand both your sorrows and your joys–and the complex emotions that accompany both.
1085 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
United States
We would love to hold your grieving heart for a bit. Our support group offers a safe space to share and connect with others who understand your experience and listen with compassion. This group is open to anyone facing the loss of a loved one.
1085 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
United States
The loss of a parent is difficult at any age. At Hope Lives Here you will find a community of grievers who understand your pain and listen with compassion.
1085 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
United States
Please join us to share stories about your loss of partner and connect with others who have experienced a similar loss.
1085 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
United States
Este grupo de apoyo es para las personas que han perdido un ser querido por cualquiera razón. El grupo se reúne semanalmente y es dirigido por una psicóloga y tanatóloga. Cada reunión se trata de algo diferente pero de algo que los dolientes pueden aprender para manejar el duelo. Es importante advertir que ser parte de este grupo cuesta $35 mensuales. Ese precio incluye una reunión individual con la psicóloga y los grupos cada semana. Cuando se registre, menciona SADOD y le darán la primera sesión de cortesía.
Monday evening (9PM in MA in the summer, 8PM in the winter) Zoom groups are open to all; grieving any kind of loss. There is a fee of $35/mo, which accounts for four weekly 2-hr long groups and one individual therapy session. Mention SADOD to receive one free session to try it out.
Virtual, MA 02472
United States
We offer separate groups for children and parenting adults coping with death-related loss. The children process their grief through activities, arts and crafts, and games, with the help of trained support staff. Pizza and drinks provided. Groups meet every other week. (Ages 5-18) These groups are led by trained Hope Floats staff, clinicians, and volunteer facilitators. Now taking registrations for the fall sessions. Contact Abby Hennigan 781-585-4221 ext. 4 or Heather Gray 781-585-4221 ext. 2
Tuesdays, 5:30 – 7 pm
Wednesdays, 6 – 7:30 pm
Registration is required. To register, contact us at 781-585-4221 ext. 4
4 Elm Street
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
This is a virtual-only / Siblings-only meeting. Contact Judi Earnest ( [email protected] or (508) 944-5308 ) for the zoom link.
Virtual Only
Milford, MA 01757
United States
Meets at the First Congregational Church
Currently only meeting via Zoom. Please contact Kathy for information on accessing the meeting.
Virtual Only
Marlborough, MA 01752
United States
Siblings Supporting Siblings
In-person meetings are offered every first Tuesday of the month from 6:30 PM- 8 PM. Please email Judi Earnest at [email protected] if you are interested in being a part of this group.
Chris' Corner
12 Main Street
Milford, MA 01757
United States
This is a special Learn To Cope group that, in partnership between Learn To Cope and SADOD, welcomes people who have lost a loved one to a substance-use-related cause and also currently have a loved one who is struggling with substance-use issues (or is abstinent from substances or is engaged in harm-reduction services, etc.). Meeting discussions and guest speakers are on the topics of grief and/or being engaged with someone struggling with substance use. This is a video only meeting (there is no in-person meeting).
City, MA 02472
United States
The group will be led by a local therapist. This group is open to siblings that have lost and or are struggling with substances. You may bring a support person to attend also.
Gilly's House
1022 West Street
Wrentham, MA 02093
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 7 pm to 8:30 Please contact [email protected] for more information.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
Bourne Community Center
239 Main Street
Bourne, MA 02532
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
Zoom-only meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Please contact Isabel for info regarding virtual and in-person meetings: (617) 396-4025
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
81 Elm St
Trinity Episcopal Church
Concord, MA 01742
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
Zoom-only meeting on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
Please contact Isabel for info regarding virtual and in-person meetings: (617) 396-4025
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
81 Elm St
Trinity Episcopal Church
Concord, MA 01742
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
Zoom-only meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
Hybrid meeting on 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
Please contact Isabel for info regarding virtual and in-person meetings: (617) 396-4025
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
258 Concord St
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Newton , MA 02460
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
22 Dudley Hill Road
Dudley, MA 01571
United States
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
#60 North Bow St.
Milford Senior Center
Milford, MA 01757
United States
Please contact prior to the first attendance.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
17 Winter Street
Milford, MA 01757
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
In-person chapter meetings are held on the 1st Monday and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Sibling online video chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
Online video chapter meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
235 Park Street
North Reading, MA 01864
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
20 Fearing Road
Hingham, MA 02043
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child. Please get in touch with Beth-Ann for more information.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
840 Page Blvd.
Mary Mother of Hope Church
Springfield, MA 01107
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
111 Park Avenue
Worcester, MA 01609
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
Meetings are offered in-person only.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
100 West ST
Leominster, MA 01453
United States
Immaculate Conception Pastoral Center
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
42 Green St., Room 209
Newburyport, MA 01950
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
191 Washington Avenue
Winthrop, MA 02152
United States
A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child.
**Note: Please check the The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief website for meetings that may be rescheduled due to the holidays.
Smith Mills Congregational Church
11 Anderson Way
Dartmouth, MA 02747
United States
The Healing Circle is a safe space for bereaved folks to come and share their experiences, insights, love and grief. There is a 10-minute meditation with Reiki life force energy.
281 Broadway
revere, MA 02151
United States
Meeting at the Natick Community Center. For the link to our virtual meeting please contact Kathryn [email protected]
December meetings may not follow normal schedule. Please reach out to Kathryn for accurate meeting times.
This group will not meet in August due to IOAD.
Please text your name and a brief message to: (774) 286-9986
115 East Central St
Natick Community Center
Natick, MA 01760
United States
Facilitator: Robyn Houston-Bean
Currently meeting only virtually. Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual Only
Virtual, MA 02184
United States
Facilitated by Karen Walsh and Rachel Solomon.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual, MA 02184
United States
Facilitated by: Janice Kaplan
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
city, MA 02472
United States
Facilitated by: Kerry Bickford
UU Falmouth, 840 Sandwich Road, East Falmouth, MA.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
840 Sandwich Road
UU Falmouth
East Falmouth, MA 02540
United States
Facilitated by Natalie Patricio.
Meeting at Trinity Episcopal Church 91 Main St Bridgewater MA
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Trinity Episcopal Church
91 Main St
Bridgewater, MA 02323
United States
Facilitated by Liz Driscoll
4th Thursday of the month 7:00-8:30 pm Pre-register here:
PSF Community Center
640 Washington Street, New Balance Room, Lower Level
Brighton, MA 02135
United States
Facilitated by Shannon Lundin and Michael Cain
3rd Wednesday of the Month 6:00-7:00 PM Pre-register here:
St. John’s Church
27 Devens St 2nd floor
Charlestown , MA 02129
United States
Facilitated by Kerry Bickford
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual city, MA 02472
United States
Facilitated by Annie Avitabile. A virtual meeting held on the second Wednesday of the Month from 7:00-8:30 ET.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual city, MA 02472
United States
Facilitated by Colleen and Gordon Bullard.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
CORE Peer Recovery and Resource Center
11-15 Parker St
Gloucester, MA 01930
United States
Facilitated by Mary Peckham. Meets at Calvary Baptist Church.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
429 Monponsett Street
Hanson, MA 02341
United States
Facilitated by Mary Peckham.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Plymouth County Outreach Office
62 Main Street Suite 107
Kingston, MA 02364
United States
Facilitated by Dave Swindell. This peer grief group is for men age 18 and older who have experienced the death of someone they care about who died from a substance-use-related cause. This group meets only by video (there is no in-person meeting).
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual Only
Virtual, MA 01757
United States
Facilitated by Chris Santos. For mothers who have experienced the death of a child(ren) due to substance use.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual Only
Virtual, MA 02742
United States
Facilitated by Kathi Sullivan.
Meeting at Sullivan’s Message Resource Community Center, 218 Park Street North Attleboro, MA
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
218 Park Street
Sullivan’s Message Resource Community Center
North Attleboro, MA 02760
United States
Facilitated by Kerry Bickford.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
1106 Main St
West Barnstable , MA 02668
United States
Facilitated by Franklin Cook and Co-Facilitated by Tavyn Thuringer. A virtual meeting held on the second and fourth Wednesday of the Month from 6:00-7:30 ET.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual City, MA 02472
United States
Facilitated by Jill Shanahan and co-facilitated by Leslie Lagos. For anyone 18 and over who identifies as being in recovery from any substance or alcohol who has experienced the death of someone they care about due to substance use.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual, MA 02472
United States
Facilitated by Robyn Houston-Bean.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
85 Quincy Ave
Quincy, MA 02169
United States
Facilitated by Kar-Kate Parenteau.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual Only
Virtual, MA 02472
United States
Facilitated by Don Lipstein and Nic Scarmeas. Whether you know for sure that suicide was the cause of death or you are uncertain, you will find support here.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual, MA 02472
United States
Facilitated by Sandra Chase.
Meeting at Learn to Cope Office 4 Court Street, #110 - Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
4 Court Street #110
Learn to Cope Office
Taunton , MA 02780
United States
Facilitated by Randi Schalet.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual City, MA 02472
United States
Facilitated by Darlene Mersereau.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
241 Broad Street
Weymouth, MA 02188
United States
Facilitated by JoAnn Rivieccio. Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
196 Winthrop St
Winthrop, MA 02152
United States
Facilitated by Aileen Lovejoy & Deb Dowd-Foley.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual , MA 01603
United States
This group is for adults 18-35 years old.
Facilitated by Chloe Brosnan.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Zoom only
Virtual, MA 01060
United States
Co-Facilitated by Michelle Rueda and Chloe Brosnan. For anyone 18-35 who has experienced the death of a sibling due to substance use.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
96 Winchester Street
Medford, MA 02155
United States
Cheryl Juaire facilitating. Greater Grace Christian Fellowship, 187 Pleasant Street.
For anyone 18 + of the Christian faith who has experienced the death of someone they care about due to substance use.
*There is a special sign-up process for this group to ensure a supportive and understanding environment for all participants.
187 Pleasant Street
Marlborough, MA 01752
United States
Facilitated by Miriah Corso.
Please complete a one-time Pre-Registration at
Virtual Only
Virtual, MA 02472
United States
Are you navigating the pain of loss? You don’t have to face it alone. Join our Grief Support Group, led by an experienced and compassionate counselor, designed to help you process your emotions, find comfort, and connect with others who understand.
This group is free to attend with no registration required.
Brought to you by the City of Woburn and Tufts Medicine
Groups are held every Wednesday evening
March 5 - April 23, 2025
400 West Cummings Park
Suite 6350
Woburn, MA 01801
United States
Meets at Reilly School (Library)
One Bartlett Street
Lowell, MA 01852
United States