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Mother’s Day Inspires Reflection

Mother’s Day is a time to place the bright parts of your past into your forward path.
Mother’s Day is a time to place the bright parts of your past into your forward path.

Mother’s Day Inspires Reflection

While many holidays encourage thanks and goodwill, Mother’s Day is unique. This day specifically bestows gratitude upon those who nurture us and love us unconditionally. 

For people who have lost a parent, or for parents who have lost a child, this day is bittersweet. An occasion for cherishing the gift of life also emphasizes how the loss of a loved one affects us forevermore. 

Regardless, we can cherish the lives of the departed, take inventory of their enduring memory, and hold them close to our hearts as the sacred blessings they are.      


Mothers and Fathers

By Kerry J. Bickford


Whether we created or chose them

They were ours.

Much like the vows that we once took:

To love and to cherish

Until we are parted by death.

We did

And we were.


So who are we 

When it's Mother's

Or Father's Day

And we cannot help but ache

For the days we remember

And the ones that we won't

That were stolen away

In a moment we can never get back

No matter how much we wish for it.


Whether we created or chose them

We loved them fiercely

And still do

By carrying them within us 

Always remembering they were here.


So on Mother's Day

Gather up the flowers in your yard

And scatter them in the places that bring you joy.

And on Father's Day, take yourself for a walk in the wood

And don't be surprised if you see your loved one's laughing face

In the trees

He used to climb.



By Kaileigh Marie Bickford


My heart is heavy on Mother’s Day

I was so young when you went away 

And the memories from when you were here with me 

Through no one’s fault, have begun to fade 


And with the time that fades away

I struggle to remember  you

I'll never forget the love you gave

Or how hard you fought and tried to stay. 


I can't remember the feel of your hugs

Or the smiles that spread across your face 

But I do have distant memories 

And other reminders of what I lost 


On Mother's Day I no longer cry. 

I smile at my mother up in the sky 

And though she might not be here with me 

Our love for each other will always be 

Leaving Season

By Luke Schmaltz


We create and are nurtured

We give life and receive

Yet we are all perchers 

On the tree of bereave


Our lives are a gift

We blossom by choice

And upon Fall’s rift

We all have a voice


I say your name

As I count the leaves

And your face in a frame

Says it’s OK to grieve


Through every season

These roots run deep

Gratitude is the reason

I sing before I sleep