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Grief Conference

For Grandparents & Caregivers

Massachusetts' Grandparent/Relative (age 55+) Caregiver Stipend/Family Caregiver Program offers $600 stipends once each calendar year to pay for respite for the grandparent, including summer camp, sports or some other activity that allows grandparents time off and respite.

The only qualification is raising a grandchild/child. You can call 508-584-1561 and ask Rochelle Sugarman how to apply.

Also available to someone caring for a person with disabilities ages 18-59

In-Depth (Content)


Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

The Addict’s Parents United

Generations United

Last Day podcast

National Alliance for Children's Grief

National Alliance for Children's Grief with Adam Carter (NACG) and Kerry Bickford (SADOD)

National Alliance for Children's Grief